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These are all true stories of real places and real people. Places I have visited. Some are churches that my dad, myself or other family members pastored. Others are where my father or myself have preached revivals. I have been there myself, is what I’m trying to say.

My dad, Carl J. Ballestero pastored for 25 years and evangelized for 25. I grew up traveling. I attended 26 schools and lived in 22 homes before I married. My Father started 6 churches. My children have started two. I started one. So it’s easy for me to say, “Home Missions pastors are my Heroes.”

It’s been my blessing to have preached over 900 revivals (or series of services) in my life. At this writing, I am still a full time evangelist.

If an evangelist is too “big” to preach in a little church, he is too “little” to preach in a big church. Dad told me to never pick and choose where I went because of the size of the church. “Just go”, he said. I have followed his advice, and God has always blessed me.

Some names of the people or towns may have been withheld, or changed, nevertheless, the events happened as told. These are stories without varnish. Some of them have made me laugh, others made me cry. Some have just made me shake my head. But that too is Home Missions.

These chapters are about the lives of Home Missionaries. To me, Home Missions pastors are the modern day Heroes of the Faith. They use for leaders and workers in their churches some folks than may not make “3rd string” in a large church. But God blesses them just the same. Home Missions is where every church got it’s beginning. “Despise not the day of small things.”  Zech. 4:10.

Home Missions is, “Experiencing The Grace Of God On The Ground Floor!”

Martyn Ballestero Sr.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Brooks Coburn permalink
    January 9, 2010 8:38 am

    Thank you for “spot-lighting” true “heroes” in our organization/movement. How many, many times these individuals are “taken for granted” as “second-class”, “lower-tier” individuals who have just “not arrived yet.”

    My wife and I, personally, have been involved in Home Missions. I have a personal friend (Pastor David Aycock-Laramie, Wyoming) who is involved at the present. He is struggling, struggling. Yet-he is “where” God wants him, and he and his wife are FAITHFUL!

    If you are ever close to Florien, La., you have an “open invitation” to minister in the pulpit at The Pentecostals of Peason. We are a relatively small congregation (between 30 & 40 most Sundays). We do need revival.

    In Jesus
    The Peason Parson (Brooks Coburn)

  2. Courtney Ballestero permalink
    January 12, 2010 10:38 am


    Back when the first church started whenever anything weird or off the wall would happen we would say in a funny voice, “Wa-ell…that’s Home Meeeeeeeshions.” Now that the church has grown and weird or off the wall stuff still happens, we have no catchphrase. Any suggestions? LOL

    Love you Dad! You’re writing is always inspiring.

  3. Brenda Hatridge permalink
    April 15, 2010 10:25 pm

    once again! beautiful testimony, brought tears to my eyes and a spark to my heart, there is always an oppurtunity to share God’s plan of salvation. Lord, help us to be more sensitive to your leading and to the needs of others, blessing them with the fullnees of your truth. Acts 2 :38

  4. Shaun permalink
    May 12, 2013 6:47 am

    Please keep adding to these. Thay are inspiring!

  5. Miranda Maddox permalink
    October 13, 2016 3:37 am

    Elder, I enjoy these posts about Home Missions churches! I currently attend a small Home Missions church. These posts are encouraging, Faith building and and awesome to know what God can do in my church! 🙂 it makes me be more thankful and more appreciative of my church. Thank you

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